Across the Distance

Across the Distance
"Sometimes the person you're looking for is right in front of you the whole time."

About Me

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Unique, different, and relentless. That's how I can describe about me. Creativity that's limitless and knows no boundaries. I'm simply a song once-in-a-lifetime in the making. No replay button. I'm simply a somebody who wants to be acknowledged.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Just Friends"

You have a bestfriend of the opposite sex and you spend a lot of time with them together, sometimes too much time. The closeness is to the point where people thinks you're dating each other or that you guys hiding your feelings towards each other. It's as if they WANT or think that you SHOULD be together. In the end, you would answer them with the same ol' boring (and true) answer, "No... We're just friends."


This is where everybody would doubt you and they would tease you. They simply don't believe that you can just be friends that close without feeling for each other.


Don't you hate this? You're tired of explaining them that you're simply friends and nothing more than that. You're simply like brother and sister. You would die for each other, you would admit that they're important to you, and you would admit that you don't know what would you do without them in your life, but it's because of that brotherly/sisterly love. You simply can't see being in a relationship with them. You're simply happy to be just friends and a relationship upgrade just doesn't feel right. This 'just friends' relationship is sometimes your number one priority, that it actually eclipsed your romantic relationship priority.

Your pet peeve would actually be people trying to set you up with this one friend. (It's simply so hard these days to say "We're just friends" and have people believe it).  The saying of "he/she not my boy/girlfriend is always overlooked because once again, people just doesn't believe you.

The last thing would be when people asks you, "Why don't you go out with them?"
Simple answer would be, "Why not?"
Alas, we don't live in such a simple world. We live in a world which demands explanation.
There can be reasons why you don't go out with them. Maybe it's because both of you have someone else in mind, or maybe you even tried it, but decided that it's really the best solution to stay friends and keep it that way. In the end, you probably just never had the sexual attraction towards them and sometimes this relationship is all you need in your young age, where commitment is just hard to find and that right person is nowhere to be seen... yet.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Same Ol' Feeling

"Just when you thought you had all the answers to life, life changed the question." - Anonymous.

It rings like crazy right now in my head. I memorized it unconsciously.
Today past by with me simply trying to get rid of a feeling. A feeling that we all knew very well. A feeling that comes out of nowhere and never wants to leave. Yes... That feeling between crush and like. You're not sure if it's real cause you never seem to think about that person that way. You're just at lost of what to do. Waiting seems to make the feeling even stronger even though you're trying to get rid of it.

It can be lots of reasons why you don't want to go after it. Maybe your feeling would look like one of these:

1. You're not ready for the hurt... again
This one is probably most common to the one who's been in a relationship before and got their hearts broken. You've been hurt too long and you're not ready to move on yet. The thoughts of getting hurt was simply too much. After all... Why give your all when they don't even try? Second chance is hard to be given, there's a reason why it's called a second chance, and not second chances.

2. Don't want to ruin friendship
Ahh... Everyone has gone through this stage before. After all there was a saying about the best relationship sometimes comes from your best friend. It might be true, but your thoughts are thinking the opposite. You're thinking what if yours are the one that doesn't come true. You just can't see yourself with that person and instead you kept that feeling inside and sometimes it was never revealed. In the end... You're with someone else and they're with someone else. Everything works out right? Not really. The feelings sometimes linger and it gets into your current relationship. Step one of being in a relationship is to leave all past feelings behind.

3. Loooooooooooonnnnnnggggg Distance
You simply don't believe in a relationship with long distance. You can't hold their hands, you can't kiss them, heck... you can't even see them face to face. You see no point of relationship without intimacy. But sometimes long distance relationship tends to be the strongest kind of relationship in the end. If you can still be with one another with the distance, imagine being together side-by-side. It may work in your head, but reality and fantasy is different and you're simply a realistic kind of person.

I'm talking about those three feelings from my own perspective and I've felt it firsthand. This is by no means a guide or anything like that. It's simply something I want to share, especially when I'm having one of those feelings (or should I say all). In all circumstance... Don't rush into a relationship. Your "the one" is not that easy to find, so be patient.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wonder If I Ever Cross Your Mind...

You know those moments when you're heartbroken? When suddenly you're listening to songs that reminds you of them and you just seem want to stay in those moments, because weirdly even though you're hurt, you want to keep that feeling, you want to keep the 'hate' you have towards them.  Maybe you kept that feeling because that's the only proof that what you had was real.

I'm sure some of us had that moment and maybe some felt it more than once. (I'm sorry). The time that we spent thinking about them is countless. Just wanting to be alone and everything seems so gloomy. It's as if your life is a sad rainy day. You probably even try to wait for them. Your mind starts playing games with you and start playing the scenarios of how they'll come back to your life and everything will be okay. As you realized slowly and painfully that everything is not going back like the way it is. That rainy day became a storm.

At one point of that storm you begin to ask yourself this, "Have I ever crossed your mind since that time?"
In your mind you're hoping that they thought about you as much as you thought about them. Maybe they did, but most people never knew the answer and life goes on. An unsolved question lingers within your heart awaiting for another heartbreak... The question is the same and until you've found that one person that you can't live without, you probably won't be able to answer that question.

Be thankful for your loved ones. They're the reason why that question is answered. Different people will have a different answer, either that answer is temporary or permanent, only time can tell...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Impossible Is Only an Idea

"You can't do it."

"That's impossible."

Those are the words that I usually hear at least once a week. I'm the type of person who will do anything to prove people wrong, even though sometimes I go overboard with that. The thing that I hate the most is sometimes those words get to me and it changes who I am and that goes against what I always believe in, which is to always be yourself no matter what happens.

What IS impossible? As far as I know, impossible is always redefined. No one ever thought of putting a man on the moon. It was impossible that time and now? It didn't only just happen. People are already dreaming of living in another planet.

Impossible was simply an idea; it's an unknown thing which people either gave up on or never even tried.

A lot of people talk about dreams and how sometimes it seems farfetched. If impossible is redefined as time goes on, why not redefine impossible right now? The reward is your dream can be fulfilled, but me personally? My greatest enjoyment would be proving my doubters wrong.

Do yourself a favor and don't let the impossible define what you're going to do.